Key | Function |
h | Move Left. |
l | Move Right. |
j | Move Down. |
k | Move Up. |
:q | Close file. |
:q! | Close file without saving. |
:w | Write. |
:wq | Write and quit. |
x | Delete Character at the Cursor. |
i | Insert at cursor. |
I | Insert at beginning. |
a | Append at cursor. |
A | Append at end of line. |
Key | Function |
dw | Delete word. |
$ | Go to the end of the text. |
w | Next Word. |
b | Previous Word. |
e | Go the end of the word. |
0 | Go to beginning of the line at the very start. |
^ | Go to beginning of the line at the starting text. |
d$ | Delete to the end of line. |
2w | Go two words forward. |
3e | Go to the end of 3rd word. |
d2w | Delete two words. |
dd | Delete entire line. |
2dd | Delete two entire line. |
u | Undo last change. |
U | Undo changes on entire line. |
Cntrl + r | Redo changes. |
Key | Function |
p | Paste after Cursor. |
P | Paste before Cursor. |
cw | Change word. |
r | Replace character under the cursor. |
c$ | Change to the end of line. |
c2w | Change 2 words. |
Key | Function |
:50 | Go to line no 50. |
G | Go to the last line. |
gg | Go to the first line. |
/waldo | Search for waldo. |
n | Go to next search result. |
N | Go to previous search result. |
?carman | Search carman in reversed. |
ctrl + o | Jump to previous location. |
ctrl + i | Jump to next location. |
% | Go to next matching pranthesis or brackets. |
:%s/bad/good | Replace bad with good in current line. |
:%s/hi/bye/g | Replace hi with bye in whole document globally. |
:%s/x/y/gc | Replace x with y and ask for confirmations. |
Key | Function |
v | Open visual mode. |
V | Open visual select lines. |
vw | Visual select word. |
vwx or vwd | Visual select and then delete the word. |
:w readme.txt | To write the current data as readme.txt. |
:!ls | Run ls shell command. |
Key | Function |
o | Open new line below. |
O | Open new line above. |
e | Go to the end of the word. |
2e | Go to the end of two words. |
R | Enter replace mode. |
yw | Yank Word. |
vwy | Visual select word then yank. |
y$ | Yank to the end of the Current Line. |
:set ignorecase | Change the search settings to ignore case. |
:set noignorecase | Change the search settings to use case. |
Key | Function |
q | To start recording macro. |
Any key between (a - z) | This will assign the key on which the macro is recorded. |
q | Press q again to stop recording macro. |
@ + the key between (a-z) the macro was recorded on | This will run the macro. |
@ + @ | After running the macro you can use this to repeat the macro. |
Key | Function |
:set number | Shows the line number |
:set relativenumber | Shows the number of lines above and below makes it easy and quick to navigate. |
yy | To copy whole line. |
cc | To change whole line. |
* and # | To find other instances of the same word or character. |
zz | To center the view page. |
. | To repeat the recent action. |
t | To transfer cursor before the stated character. For example t* will transfer the cursor to a place just before * in the code. |
f | Will find and transfer the cursor to the stated character. For exapmle f* will put the cursor on * looking forward in the code. |
T | Will perform similar function as t but in reversed order. |
F | Will perform similar function as f but in reversed order. |
Key | Function |
:register | Shows the register where the history of yanking and cutting is stored. |
"(a-z)y | This will help to create a custom register to the assigned key between or the selected text can be yanked to any key from a-z. |
"(a-z)p | This will paste custom register created. |
Key | Function |
ci( or di( or ci{ or di[ | ci( will change the text within (). di( will delete the text within (). This will be the same with any of the stated brackets. |
yiw | This will copy the word between which the cursor is. |
diw | This will delete the word between which the cursor is. |